The Lighthouse Devotional

Author: Cicely King

“Start children off on the way they should go, and even when they are old they will not turn from it” (Prov 22:6 NIV).

“Children are a heritage [or gift] from the Lord” (Ps 127:3), and they thrive when their lives are in correct alignment with God’s purpose for them. Indeed, God delights in thankful and responsible parents who start children off on the way they should go as outlined in God’s manual, the Holy Bible (cf. 2 Tim 3:16).

In the Old Testament, God instructs Israelite parents to diligently teach His commands to their children (Deut 11:19). They were to be taught from their youth (Eccl 12:1) about God’s love and faithfulness to Israel (11:1–18) and about Yahweh being the one true and living God (6:4–6). In the New Testament, God commands fathers not to provoke their children but to train and instruct them in the Lord (Eph 6:4), and He urges children to obey and honor their parents (6:1–2; cf. Exod 20:12). God wants children to understand that He sent Jesus to reconcile them to Him (John 3:16) and that His kingdom belongs to people like them (Matt 19:14).

Proverbs 22:6 represents God’s wise principle for successful child-rearing. Regrettably, some people abandon this teaching, become rebellious, and stray from God’s way. The prophet Samuel, for example, followed God obediently, and the Lord blessed him (1 Sam 3:19–20). However, his sons did not follow their father’s ways (1 Sam 8:3). Scripture points the way to a godly life, but God gives us the power of choice, which may result in our choosing to act outside of God’s will. Nevertheless, God does not want anyone to choose wrongly and perish; instead, He wants everyone to choose rightly and come to repentance (2 Pet 3:9).

Let us, therefore, obey Scripture’s wise counsel to teach and model to our children godly living that they can follow when they are no longer under our control. They will likely produce children who pass the righteous baton to future generations.

Heavenly Father, You have given parents the responsibility to train their children, by word and deed, to live lives that are pleasing to You. Strengthen them to think and act rightly, and let those who have forsaken you heed the pleadings of your Spirit to return to “the way they should go,” for it is your goodness that leads us to repentance. Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer. Amen.