The Lighthouse Devotional

Author: Colin Deane


“The tempter came to him and said, ‘If you are the Son of God, tell these stones to become bread.’ Jesus answered, ‘It is written: “Man shall not live on bread alone, but on every word that comes from the mouth of God”’” (Matt 4:3–4 NIV).


In 2013, Antoinette Tuff, a receptionist at an Atlanta primary school, credited her faith and her Pastor’s influence for her ability to persuade a shooter to surrender without harming anyone physically after holding her entire school hostage. During her ordeal, Antoinette showed incredible poise under pressure, much like Jesus does in today’s Scripture verse.


Immediately after John baptizes Jesus, and God confirms him to be His “beloved Son, in whom [He] is well-pleased” (Matt 3:17), the Spirit leads Jesus into the wilderness to be tempted by the devil. During his temptation, Jesus does not emphasize his status as the Son of God; instead, he identifies with human beings who encounter similar dilemmas from time to time—i.e., the collision of hunger, temptation, and obedience. Jesus rebuffs the tempter’s tease, declaring that humans must not live on bread alone, but by every word that comes from God’s mouth. Taking this stance, Jesus confirms the inadequacy of bread to satisfy “real hunger,” and he identifies the authentic source of our satisfaction—not the words of the tempter, nor the tempter’s agents, but every word that proceeds from God. 

Of course, Satan is aware of Jesus’ divine role, but he attempts to lure Jesus away from his mission of “saving his people from their sins” (Matt 1:21) by tempting him to disobey his Father. It is a mission that would drain Satan’s pool, decimate his following, and release his hostages from the chains of sin. Satan wants Jesus to switch allegiance from God to himself, for Satan desperately seeks Jesus’ worship (Matt 4:9). Nevertheless, Jesus rejects Satan’s advances, denies him the victory, and prevents the derailment of God’s plan to redeem humanity from sin through repentance toward eternal life (Luke 5:32; John 3:14–16).


Therefore, when cornered and under pressure to respond, let us reflect and pray to God, our Father, for the strength to do what is right. Faith in God and obedience to God equips us to address our everyday threats and challenges correctly. The resolve Jesus displays under pressure is accessible to all of us when we ask God (Jas 1:5).


Thank You, Father, that Your master plan for humanity’s redemption includes all people. We thank You that our Lord, Jesus Christ, did not yield to Satan’s temptation and that our salvation remains assured for everyone who wants it. Father, be always close to us, especially at times of hunger and thirst, so that we will choose the Living Water (John 4:10) and the Bread of Life (John 6:35, 48) to satisfy our needs. In the name of Jesus Christ, we pray, Amen.