The Lighthouse Devotional

Author: Sharon D. C. Parris


Therefore the Lord himself will give you a sign: The virgin will conceive and give birth to a son, and will call him Immanuel” (Isa 7:14 NIV).


Very few, if any, of us have had an actual encounter with a King or Queen. They usually sit in lofty positions, surrounded by personnel and security that does not allow us to come close to them. Such separation operates, too, in our political and economic world as social status often results in divisions that, for the most part, separate the “haves” from the “have nots.” Society makes little or no effort to bridge these gaps, and people can often feel left out or undeserving.


However, when we grasp the beauty of God’s proclamation in Isaiah 7:14, we begin to understand that we can have an encounter with Ultimate Greatness and Royalty, that is God, Himself.

Isaiah uses the phrase “the Lord himself.” Therefore, it is not an angel, a prophet, or an earthly king or queen, but it is the very Creator of the Universe who breathed life into man and sustains him that will give us a sign. God does not delegate this authority to anyone but personally undertakes this essential task. He has a singular and direct hand in delivering this gift, which immediately creates awe for His great passion and love for us. It is not any gift either but the generous gift of His only Son, miraculously conceived by a virgin, with the mission of coming into this “sin-sick” world to rescue the perishing and care for the dying. God’s gift delivers us from the yoke of sin and death. The assigned name for God’s Son brings revelation: “Immanuel,” which means “God with us.”  It immediately confirms that we are never alone, even if we feel that way (cf. Deut 31:5–6; Heb 13:5).

Therefore, we can keep the Creator, who desires intimacy with us, at His word.  We must not let contrary feelings or harsh situations deceive us into not relying on His promise. Our God is always with us through thick and thin, ups and downs, trials and tribulations, whether we have or have not, laughter and sorrow, sickness and health, pressure or pandemic.  No appointment is necessary, no jumping through hoops, no cutting through the red tape, but there is immediate access and divine companionship because of His continual presence with us.


As we walk through another Advent season, whether it comprises painful or pleasurable memories, let us rest in the knowledge that we have “Immanuel,” Jesus Christ, who is always present. We can call upon Him at any time and for any reason.


Holy God, sometimes we do not grasp Your passion for us and the intimate relationship into which You have called us. Too readily, we give in to our situations, forgetting that You are our real and present help. Lord, help us to fully understand Your heart for us and to know that You are a faithful, covenant-keeping God who stands with us in all circumstances. Help us to converse with you, to lean into your guidance and instructions, and to be obedient as You actively walk with us through the different seasons of our lives. Thank you, Lord, for not leaving or forsaking us. It’s in Jesus’ name we pray. Amen!