The Lighthouse Devotional
Author: Beverley E. Holder

“Don’t have anything to do with foolish and stupid arguments, because you know they produce quarrels” (2 Tim 2:23 NIV).
Some people come alive when they engage in conflict, while others cannot tolerate discord. Paul encourages Timothy to be a faithful witness of Christ who does not promote dissension but is, at the same time, willing to confront his opponents with the truth (2:15, 25). Undoubtedly, Timothy will encounter opposition because of people’s varying beliefs. Still, he must not get bogged down, arguing with persons who cannot accept the things of the Spirit of God because they lack understanding (1 Cor 2:14).
Paul advises Timothy to flee youthful lusts and pursue righteousness (2 Tim 2:22). He must avoid unwise, stubborn, and hasty tendencies of youth and exercise restraint amidst the provocation of opponents to the truth (2:18; 3:7, 8; 4:4). He should refrain from wrangling over words in a way that brings only ruin to those who hear (2:14). He must avoid godless chatter (2:16) and have nothing to do with foolish arguments that produce quarrels (2:23). Instead, he ought to see himself as an unashamed workman who accurately handles the word of truth (2:14–15)—a kind teacher who is not resentful (2:24) and who recognizes that “a gentle answer turns away wrath, but a harsh word stirs up anger” (Prov 15:1).
Our Lord, too, encountered difficult persons throughout his earthly ministry. The religious leaders tested him exhaustively, especially concerning the proper observance of the Mosaic Law (e.g., Matt 12:8–14; John 8:1–11) and, to some extent, the Roman law (e.g., Matt 22:15–22; Mark 12:14–15). Nevertheless, Jesus always responded with self-control. He knew when to speak and when to be silent. Moreover, his even-tempered approach to handling difficult persons invites us to be peacemakers (Matt 5:9).
We, too, will encounter confrontational and argumentative persons, and we must respond to them in a Christ-like manner. He set the example for us to follow. Therefore, we must not be discouraged or intimidated. Instead, we must share the truth of the gospel message, having learned from the most excellent teacher of all, our Lord Jesus Christ.
Heavenly Father, help us to follow Your Son’s example as we continue our discipleship journey. Help us to speak with boldness when we encounter challenges but also know when to be silent. Empower us with Your grace so we may accomplish Your will on earth. In Jesus’ name, we pray, Amen.