The Lighthouse Devotional)
Author: Lindsay Arthur
“Therefore keep watch, because you do not know the day or the hour” (Matt 25:13 NIV).
Watchfulness involves vigilance and attention to details that the unobservant would typically ignore. To be watchful, we must remain awake and in a state of readiness to avoid and, if necessary, confront the dangers in our surroundings. Our Lord commands us to keep watch.
Jesus repeatedly instructs his disciples to keep watch (e.g., Matt 24:42; Mark 13:34; Luke 12:37), and his repetition of this command signals its importance to being a faithful disciple. In our Scripture passage, Jesus’ injunction to keep watch is in response to his disciples’ demand to know the timing of his return at the end of the age (24:3). Our Lord responds, warning them about dangerous times ahead, including (i) the deception of false Messiahs, (ii) war, (iii) famine and earthquake, (iv) persecution, (v) turning away from the faith and the betrayal of one another, (vi) the rise of false prophets, (vii) the increase of lawlessness, and (viii) people’s love growing cold (24:4–12). Jesus’ disciples demand specific information about his second coming, which no one knows but the Father (24:36). It will be unexpected, just like the days of Noah (24:37–39). Therefore, they must keep watch (24:42, 43).
Jesus wants us to be ready for his unexpected return (24:44). He will come like a thief in the night, catching many people by surprise. Some will be engaging in festivities (24:38), and others will be making final preparations for his return. However, it will be too late for them, and they will remain on the outside because the door will have been shut (25:1–12).
Let us, therefore, heed our Lord’s command to keep watch, for we do not know the day nor the hour of his return. Let us be dressed in readiness with our lamps lit (Luke 12:35), having extra oil (25:4), so that when our Lord, the bridegroom, comes and knocks, we may immediately go in with him to the wedding banquet (25:10).
Father, help us keep watch and be ready for Jesus’ return. We do not want to be spellbound by the world’s festivities, cares, and responsibilities. Instead, help us to focus on You, being alert to the dangers that lurk in our midst. Thank You for Your Spirit who abides with and in us (John 14:17), teaching us all things (14:26) and guiding us into all the truth (16:13). Let our hearts and ears be constantly tuned to his counsel. In the name of Jesus, we pray, Amen.