The Lighthouse Devotional
Author: Michelle Miller

“The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full” (John 10:10 NIV).

Today’s Scripture reminds me that I have an adversary who wants to take every good thing from me, resulting in my spiritual or eternal death. However, it emphasizes, too, that God wants to protect me from my adversary so that I experience a life of abundant peace and joy.

The thief steals another person’s property, especially by stealth and without using force or violence. Thieves are crafty, often taking what they want without leaving any clues of their theft. Our enemy, Satan, behaves in this way, just as he did with our fore-parents, Adam and Eve, pretending to reveal the truth about God and themselves while at the same time stealing their innocence and leading all of humanity to spiritual death (Gen 3). This kind of deception and theft results in the feeling of being violated and is usually accompanied by anger, shame, denial, fear, guilt, sadness, shock, and vulnerability. As victims of theft, we lose our sense of security when thieves take from us something of value intended for a different purpose.

God, however, is not a thief. He loves us unconditionally (John 3:16; Rom 5:8; 8:38–39; cf. Ps 86:15) and wants us to have abundant life (John 1:4; 3:15, 16; 5:40; 20:31; Rom 5:17), comprising, among other things, love, joy, peace (Gal 5:22), and eternal life, which is to know God and His Son, Jesus Christ (John 17:3), genuinely.

So, considering the truth of Scripture, let us believe God for abundant life to sustain us throughout our journey. Let us be alert to the enticements of our common adversary, who comes only to steal, kill, and destroy. Let us stand firm, trusting God and His plan of redemption that brings us life.

Father, thank You for Your Word of truth and revelation about Yourself. You love and care for us in ways that are beyond our comprehension. Give us spiritual eyes to identify our enemy and his intentions to harm us. We accept Your gift of abundant life through Jesus Christ, our Lord, Amen.