The Lighthouse Devotional
Author: Kamilah Hutson

“When Jesus reached the spot, he looked up and said to him, ‘Zacchaeus, come down immediately. I must stay at your house today.’ So he came down at once and welcomed him gladly” (Luke 19:5–6 NIV).

Society shuns Zacchaeus because of his negative reputation; however, as Jesus walks through the crowd, he focuses on Zacchaeus, sees beyond his faults, calls him by name, and honors him by offering to stay at his house. This famous Bible story has several important takeaways.

Luke describes Zacchaeus as a wealthy chief tax collector (19:2). Jewish tax collectors worked for the Roman Empire, and fellow Jews hated them because of their corrupt practices and profiteering. Indeed, Zacchaeus had likely become wealthy by overtaxing his clients. The Gospel writer also notes Zacchaeus’ short stature (19:3), which calls to mind the words of that Sunday School song, “Zacchaeus was a wee little man, and a wee little man was he.” Zacchaeus is determined to see Jesus as he passes through Jericho, so he takes the vantage point of a sycamore tree (19:4). Jesus sees him in the tree, addresses him by name, and declares that he would be staying at his house that very day (19:6).

Undoubtedly, Zacchaeus is overjoyed because Jesus sees beyond his present circumstances and chooses to come to his home. The people grumble about how the incident unfolds (19:7), but Zacchaeus remains focused on Jesus, coming down from the tree at once and welcoming Jesus gladly (19:6).

Like Jesus, let us keep our eyes open and our hearts receptive to people around us who are seeking God. Let us also take note of Zacchaeus’ immediate response to Jesus’ invitation and yield our hearts fully to God, willingly and gladly welcoming Jesus into our lives.

Father, help us to see people as Jesus does—not being overly critical of them, but seeing them as potential servants in Your kingdom. Help us to have open and sensitive hearts to people’s spiritual and physical needs. Help us to keep our words and actions in proper alignment, speaking and demonstrating Your love to them. Lord, we pray for those who have not yet welcomed You into their hearts. Let them realize that You see them where they are. We pray, in the name of Jesus, for their true repentance and transformation. Amen.