The Lighthouse Devotional
Author: Lindsay Arthur
“This is to my Father’s glory, that you bear much fruit, showing yourselves to be my disciples” (John 15:8 NIV).
I love gardening. It is a source of relaxation with many health benefits. Tending a garden, even as a pastime, is helpful to people of all ages. As I plant, water, fertilize, weed, wait, and harvest, I am delighted by the enormous benefits I derive from a few small garden beds, viz., fresh food for the table, exercise for my body, and learning that enhances my mind and soul.
Jesus uses a powerful metaphor of the vine and its branches to make his disciples aware of their need to “remain in him” if they are to bear fruit for God. Jesus is the true vine, and his Father is the gardener (15:1) who enhances the yield of His garden by removing dead branches and trimming the fruitful ones to help them bear more fruit (15:2). Bearing fruit is essential in God’s garden-kingdom, and Jesus informs his disciples that they cannot be fruitful by themselves. They must remain in him (15:4), and he and his words must remain in them (15:7). Only then can they bear much fruit (15:5b).
God wants Jesus’ disciples to bear fruit—increased faith, prayer, obedience, love, mission, and ministry—all of which bring glory to God (15:8). As stewards of His grace, God wants us to live entirely in union with Jesus and dependent on the life-giving sap of His Son’s presence. Apart from Jesus, we can do nothing (15:5c).
Moreover, we realize three vital benefits from our mutual union with Christ. First, our prayer life becomes God-centered rather than self-centered (15:7; cf. 14:13–14). Second, we experience Jesus’ love in a way that mirrors his relationship with his Father (15:9–11). Third, we love one another sincerely (15:12–17), which is the outworking of our union with Christ.
Let us, therefore, dwell deeply in Jesus Christ, and allow him and the Spirit, whom the Father has sent (14:16, 26), to abide in us so that our joy may be complete (15:11).
Father, open our hearts and minds so that we may comprehend and apply the truth of Your Word. Help us yearn to remain in Christ, the true vine, bearing much fruit and glorifying You. Let this be the sweet refrain of our lives: “Remain in Christ, as he also remains in us.” In the name of Jesus, we pray, Amen.